Saturday, August 7, 2010

Juxtapostion 2

It is again about juxtaposition, but this time, we have been given the tasks.

In the class, we have been taught about how to related something in crazy ways, by combining two words that we never know what are they. Then, match both two words to create something. Here are the things I did in the class:

The picture shows the series of words and variables that need to combined to each other to show the outcome of images. For example, I have chose 'Light' and 'Root'. From this juxtaposition exercise, we need to create an image that relates to the couple of words we have chose from the lists. Based on 'Light and Wood' words, I have created a picture based on it (look at the picture). We may never see anything like that in our real life, but that is how the juxtaposition does to us. The same things I did to 'Duck and Tree' and 'Dog and Wood' can be refer to the image as well. By combining two variables that some of them are quite non-sense, sometimes we just don't realize that they generally give us the idea to do something special. Two different variables might even help you to achieve more than that.

For the task, we need to create some sort of metaphor based on the words given. This time, we need to create some passages about that word, that are not literally. If we need to create things about something particular, we need to create some sort of metaphor or simile passages that relate two words. If we read someone's poem or literature related sources, we might see that some people create the passages about two different things and how they can related those two things together to form something that somehow can be accepted by human's minds. So, as the tasks given, here are what are we need to and how am I going to answer this:

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain”
- Pain sometimes is just a spray bottle. Seeing something that comes out from the bottle is kind of waste, but if we stop doing on it, it will stay remain.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

- Life is like a battery. The longer, the shorter the power it will decrease

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Happiness”

- If the ball can go under and lower, same thing happens to the happiness. We need to keep it roll and move on with it.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”, with chillies.

- The spicy filling of chili will makes your heart goes faster, face turns to red and heat goes up, the same thing goes to love.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Woman” (In this case, I chose woman since I am a man and need to write something that opposes my gender)

- Woman is just like a tiny piece of our hair. They are many around us and can be picked up easily, but we only never know whether we got it shorter, taller, perfect, broken, straighten, curly, black, or white

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