Thursday, August 12, 2010

Crazy Thinking - Random Words

Whenever if we want to think something and to find some new ideas, we need to think anything that related by finding random words. This kind of crazy thinking is the best way to develop lots of new ideas to associate with.

In order to become a creative person, of course we need sometimes to think something out of the box, which means something that is crazy enough. Lets say, if we have something to do with, we might get lost in our mind to generate new ideas or solutions. So, in order to find them, we might need to find some random words that realted to things that we work for. Random words can be anything, whether the personality, characteristic or the way of the behavior of the the thing.

For this kind of crazy thinking by finding random words and how I will generate the ideas on it, here is the given situation:

Task: Create scary images or object that will instill for among people through out the ages.

It may be simple enough to do, but sometimes we need to think that out of the common thing. We should not always think that skull, blood, ghosts or anything like that is scary anymore. So, we use something like kitten, to make something scary. So, how does it work? Now, here are some random words related to kitten:
- Sharp teeth
- Claws
- Fur
- Vicious Eyes

Here is what I have write on the paper about the certain characteristics of kitten. If I meant to make scary images, based on kitten, here are some examples:

This is just a few sketches I done to make scary images. It maybe not look that good, but I guess I have the idea on how to do this, based on random words.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Juxtapostion 2

It is again about juxtaposition, but this time, we have been given the tasks.

In the class, we have been taught about how to related something in crazy ways, by combining two words that we never know what are they. Then, match both two words to create something. Here are the things I did in the class:

The picture shows the series of words and variables that need to combined to each other to show the outcome of images. For example, I have chose 'Light' and 'Root'. From this juxtaposition exercise, we need to create an image that relates to the couple of words we have chose from the lists. Based on 'Light and Wood' words, I have created a picture based on it (look at the picture). We may never see anything like that in our real life, but that is how the juxtaposition does to us. The same things I did to 'Duck and Tree' and 'Dog and Wood' can be refer to the image as well. By combining two variables that some of them are quite non-sense, sometimes we just don't realize that they generally give us the idea to do something special. Two different variables might even help you to achieve more than that.

For the task, we need to create some sort of metaphor based on the words given. This time, we need to create some passages about that word, that are not literally. If we need to create things about something particular, we need to create some sort of metaphor or simile passages that relate two words. If we read someone's poem or literature related sources, we might see that some people create the passages about two different things and how they can related those two things together to form something that somehow can be accepted by human's minds. So, as the tasks given, here are what are we need to and how am I going to answer this:

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain”
- Pain sometimes is just a spray bottle. Seeing something that comes out from the bottle is kind of waste, but if we stop doing on it, it will stay remain.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

- Life is like a battery. The longer, the shorter the power it will decrease

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Happiness”

- If the ball can go under and lower, same thing happens to the happiness. We need to keep it roll and move on with it.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”, with chillies.

- The spicy filling of chili will makes your heart goes faster, face turns to red and heat goes up, the same thing goes to love.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Woman” (In this case, I chose woman since I am a man and need to write something that opposes my gender)

- Woman is just like a tiny piece of our hair. They are many around us and can be picked up easily, but we only never know whether we got it shorter, taller, perfect, broken, straighten, curly, black, or white

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Understanding Juxtapostion

Today lesson is about Juxtapostion.

What is juxtaposition? Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variables, side by side and their contrast or similarities are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. It is usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.

Juxtaposition can be refers to two related variables, which has the same common and general idea towards them, but rather than keeping it constant, it opposed. For example, we take this kind of situation where some students think that there will be holiday near the mid year. Sometimes, not every year that all schools will be in holiday and the holiday might even started two months later or one month before. In general speaking, students think midyear should be a holiday, but not every year will be happened because of changing event calendar. From this statement, we might sure that most students have set to their own mind that holiday will occur very midyear, but they don’t realizes how the events changed every year, which can make either the holiday time early or late.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mortar and Pestle (Class Homework)


What is it?
- It is a tool, used for cooking in traditional way.

What is it mainly used for?
- It is used to grind or crush the ingredients of cooking, like herbs and spices. This way, people can easily cook the ingredients because they have been crushed into small pieces and can be keep safely.

Where is the originality of mortar and pestle?
- It has been existed in such a long time ago, where people lived in a cave also used the same thing like mortar and pestle. It may be slightly different that we see today, but it is surely known that they will used to grind the food, so the food can be eaten easily. Nobody really knows where the true origin of mortar and pestle is. The archeologists around the world found it in different places and cannot find the true sources or any sign of the originality, only the shape of tool or any mortar and pestle related objects were found. The only significant thing is mortar and pestle comes with different size, shape and design from each of the cultures, but the usage remain the same.

What is it made from?
- Mortar and pestle is made either from porcelain, stoneware, marble, wood, brass, or iron. Each one differs from the country or culture. The size and shape also different, but the usage is surely the same.

Is there any other usage of Mortar and pestle, other than for cooking purposes?
- Mortar and pestle commonly known for grinding food materials. It is also used for traditional medical setup, where old time people used it to make ingredients for the medicines and drugs. In general, any ingredients or food stuff can be used in mortar and pestle.



Based on mind map, here is my little description of what I have done.